This guide shows how to connect an Oxide rack to an upstream network via the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The BGP setup this guide will go over is depicted below.

Simple BGP Setup

The instructions are based on the assumption that the rack is already accessible through static networking and the goal is to have BGP run alongside it. The high-level steps for achieving that are:

  1. Create an address lot for holding the interface addresses that will be used for peering

  2. Configure BGP announcements for an address lot used for instance prefixes

  3. Create a BGP configuration

  4. Activate the BGP configuration by assigning addresses from the peering address lot to switch ports

The setup steps will make use of the oxide CLI.

Address Lot Creation

The first part of establishing a peer session with an upstream router is assigning an address to the switch port over which peering will take place. On the Oxide platform, addresses cannot be arbitrarily assigned, they must be allocated from an address lot. The oxide CLI invocation and JSON specification below set up an address lot for peering.

oxide system networking address-lot create \
--name peering \
--description 'a lot for bgp peering' \
--json-body peering-address-lot.json
"name": "peering",
"description": "a lot for bgp peering",
"kind": "infra",
"blocks": [
"first_address": "",
"last_address": ""

This configuration creates a single address lot of type infra. This means the address lot is used for rack infrastructure. The alternative type is pool, which means the lot is used for allocating instance IP addresses. These types prevent address lots from being used for unintended purposes. The lot contains 6 addresses in the inclusive range -

Configure Announcements

The next thing to do is configure what network prefixes the rack will announce to upstream BGP peers.

Announce set prefixes are also tied to address lots. Here, we reference an existing address lot named instances. If you do not already have an address lot defined for instance prefixes, create one now using the same process as the previous section before proceeding.

oxide system networking bgp announce-set update \
--name instances \
--description 'the instance block' \
--json-body announce-set.json
"name": "instances",
"description": "the instance block",
"announcement": [{
"address_lot_block": "instances",
"network": ""

This creates an object called an announce set, which is a collection of announcements. The example above shows a single announcement for the prefix

Create a BGP Configuration

Next, a BGP configuration must be created. BGP configurations are named objects that carry a BGP autonomous system number (ASN). BGP routers in the same ASN peer use the internal variant of the BGP protocol (iBGP). BGP routers in different ASNs peer use the external variant of the BGP protocol (eBGP). A common deployment configuration is one BGP configuration with a distinct ASN per switch. This ensures that the Oxide rack peers over eBGP with upstream routers.

At the present time, the Oxide rack BGP implementation acts only as an edge router. This means it will announce prefixes, and update the racks routing tables based on announcements received - but it will not redistribute prefixes between peers it’s connected to.
oxide system networking bgp config create \
--name as47 \
--description 'autonomous system 47' \
--asn 47 \
--bgp-announce-set-id instances

BGP configurations are tied to an announce set. In the example above, the instances announce set was created in the previous section.

Activating a BGP Configuration

After the BGP configuration is created, the switch ports will need to be configured to use it.

The Oxide network model is organized around switch ports and port settings. Port settings are reusable configurations that are referenced by switch ports. To illustrate how to update an existing port settings object with the Oxide networking CLI, we’ll walk through the steps using port qsfp0 on switch0 in an Oxide rack as an example. When you invoke the CLI for other switch ports, you’ll modify your commands accordingly to match the switch and port target.

Before making any changes, let’s query the current switch port settings with

oxide system networking switch-port-settings show
Autoneg Fec Speed
false None Speed100G

Address Lot VLAN initial-infra None

BGP Peer Config Export Import Communities Connect Retry Delay Open Enforce First AS Hold Time Idle Hold Time Keepalive Local Pref Md5 Auth Min TTL MED Remote ASN VLAN

Destination Nexthop Vlan Preference 0 0

The command above shows us that the port qsfp0 on switch0 is already set up to use an address lot named initial-infra, configured during initial setup for static routing.

To update the switch port settings to use BGP side-by-side with static routing, first identify your rack id

export rack=`oxide system hardware rack list | jq -r .[0].id`
echo $rack

Then, add the source address the switch will use for peering to the port

oxide system networking addr add \
--rack $rack \
--switch switch0 \
--port qsfp0 \
--addr \
--lot peering

Next, define the BGP peer that is expected to be reachable over the port. The peer configuration references the overarching BGP configuration defined above via the name as47.

The addr field is the address of the router to peer with.

oxide system networking bgp peer set \
--rack $rack \
--switch switch0 \
--port qsfp0 \
--addr \
--bgp-config as47 \
--hold-time 6 \
--idle-hold-time 6 \
--delay-open 0 \
--connect-retry 3 \
--keepalive 2

The example above covers a subset of the commonly used parameters such as timers from the BGP specification. Here is a complete list of the configurable options:

Hold Time

How long to hold peer connections between keepalives (seconds) [default: 6]

Idle Hold Time

How long to hold a peer in idle before attempting a new session (seconds) [default: 0]

Delay Open

How long to delay sending an open request after establishing a TCP session (seconds) [default: 0]

Connect Retry

How long to wait between TCP connection retries (seconds) [default: 0]


How often to send keepalive requests (seconds) [default: 2]

Allowed Imports

Prefixes that may be imported from the peer. Empty list means all prefixes allowed

Allowed Exports

Prefixes that may be exported to the peer. Empty list means all prefixes allowed


Include the provided communities in updates sent to the peer

Enforce First AS

Enforce that the first AS in paths received from this peer is the peer’s AS

Local Preference

Apply this local preference to routes received from the peer

Auth String

Use the given authorization string for TCP-MD5 authentication with the peer

Minimum TTL

Require messages from a peer have a minimum IP time to live field

Multi-exit Discriminator

Apply the provided multi-exit discriminator (MED) updates sent to the peer

Remote ASN

Require that a peer has a specified ASN


Associate a VLAN ID with a peer

After adding the address and BGP peer, you should see them in the updated switch port settings

oxide system networking switch-port-settings show
Autoneg Fec Speed
false None Speed100G

Address Lot VLAN initial-infra None peering None

BGP Peer Config Export Import Communities Connect Retry Delay Open Enforce First AS Hold Time Idle Hold Time Keepalive Local Pref Md5 Auth Min TTL MED Remote ASN VLAN as47 [no filtering] [no filtering] [] 3 0 false 6 6 2 None None None None None None

Destination Nexthop Vlan Preference 0 0

Checking BGP Status

Once BGP has been configured on a port, its status is visible. It may take a few seconds for the peer to become established, so initial states might look like this:

oxide system networking bgp status
"addr": "",
"local_asn": 47,
"remote_asn": 64601,
"state": "open_sent",
"state_duration_millis": 4573,
"switch": "switch0"

This output indicates the first peer session is in the OpenSent state and has been there for 4573 milliseconds.

After a few seconds the connection makes it to established.

oxide system networking bgp status
"addr": "",
"local_asn": 47,
"remote_asn": 64601,
"state": "established",
"state_duration_millis": 24,
"switch": "switch0"

Here is another way to query the BGP status

oxide system networking bgp show-status
Peer Address Local ASN Remote ASN Session State State Duration 47 64601 Established 0day 0h 0m 0s 24ms

The Oxide rack provides an API endpoint for retrieving the last 1024 BGP messages sent and received by each rack switch. Here is an example for a different bgp peer:

oxide system networking bgp history --asn 65002
"switch_histories": [
"history": {
"": {
"received": [
"message": {
"type": "update",
"value": {
"nlri": [
"length": 0,
"value": []
"path_attributes": [
"typ": {
"flags": 64,
"type_code": "origin"
"value": {
"origin": "igp"
"typ": {
"flags": 64,
"type_code": "as_path"
"value": {
"as4_path": [
"typ": "as_sequence",
"value": [
"typ": {
"flags": 64,
"type_code": "next_hop"
"value": {
"next_hop": ""
"withdrawn": []
"timestamp": "2024-05-09T04:24:02.699067710Z"
"sent": [
"message": {
"type": "update",
"value": {
"nlri": [
"length": 24,
"value": [
"path_attributes": [
"typ": {
"flags": 64,
"type_code": "origin"
"value": {
"origin": "igp"
"typ": {
"flags": 64,
"type_code": "as_path"
"value": {
"as4_path": [
"typ": "as_sequence",
"value": [
"typ": {
"flags": 64,
"type_code": "next_hop"
"value": {
"next_hop": ""
"withdrawn": []
"timestamp": "2024-05-09T04:24:02.698739718Z"
"switch": "switch1"

Related CLI References

Besides the commands covered in this guide, there are additional ones for managing BGP config, announcements, and related network settings. Here is a quick summary of the relevant CLI commands:

Modify/query BGP announce set and originated routes

Modify/query BGP configuration or peers

Modify/query BGP session filtering criteria

Modify route local preference

Modify switch port addresses

Modify/query address lots

Last updated